Sony FS7 Banner

Welcome to your community. The most recent clips shared from this Vimeo User Group are below. But, got a minute? Please watch the first clip to see how this works. As it explains, you click the banner above, join the User Group with your Vimeo account, then check that box under Collections, on your own clips, to add them into a brief approval queue. Unlike other groups that let everything in from other cameras, I try to keep it real: so the only way into this stream (also on Facebook and Twitter) is to tag your videos with fs7.

Play-This-FirstFocusPulling is built on your contributions, so thanks for being a part of it. Meanwhile, this is a great way to get more exposure, increase your play counts, and see the work of your peers who are using the same gear.

Vimeo-Logo-ScreenshotNote: For technical reasons, I cannot find a way to show each contributor’s name here, but please click the Vimeo logo at the bottom-right of each
clip’s window, to leave comments and share the love at Vimeo.

Do you believe in karma? Not sure I do, but if you buy cameras from these links (or anything from the sidebar), it costs you nothing more — but keeps FocusPulling in-focus, and free. Aum.